Hi, I'm Anna.

Understatement, Detailverliebtheit und Authentizität
Hier findest du meine ganz alltäglichen Outfits, Inspirationen und Dinge, in die ich mich verliebe.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, meine Looks und Eindrücke mit dir zu teilen. Here we go!
Falls du dich fragst, was „tifmys“ eigentlich bedeutet: Alles begann vor einigen Jahren, als meine kleine Schwester nach Australien ging, und ich sie via Instagram über meine Outfits und Neuzugänge auf dem Laufenden hielt. Deswegen: this is for my sister.
Danke für deinen Besuch! ♡
Understatement, attention to detail and authenticity
Here you will find my everyday looks, inspiration and things I fell in love with. I am honestly so excited to finally have a platform to show you all those things and can’t wait to share my passion with you! Here we go!
In case you are wondering what “tifmys” stands for: it all started a few years ago. My little sister decided to spend some time in Australia and I needed some kind of way to show her my looks, new entries to my collection and keep her up to date with my life. That was when I started to post my outfit pictures on Instagram. It was an easy way for her and myself to feel connected and stay in touch. Now you know how it all began and why I chose “this is for my sister” as my account name.
Thanks for having found your way to my blog! ♡